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Documents Overview
Documents Overview

Here are the basics on managing documents in BuildingBlok

Updated this week

Projects page allows you to create and manage various documents needed for your project. Once you log in, click on projects, select a desired project and start managing your documents.  

  1. Your project name

  2. View Members: view or add contacts to the project so they can have access

  3. Project Settings: allows you to update project information

  4. Summary: allows you to see an overview of the project (current screenshot page)

  5. Project Inbox: this will bring you to the Inbox tool and it allows you to view any tasks assigned to you 

  6. Bidding: view, draft or send bids 

  7. Budgets: view/edit/create budget groups and contracts, award contracts 

  8. Daily Reports: manage daily reports 

  9. Documents: shortcut to access all your documents 

  10. Reports: export reports (Actual Cost Summary Report, Budget Summary Report, Budget Detail Report, Contract Activity Report, Cost Accounting Report, Current Summary Report, Job Cost Summary Report, Global Cost Summary Report Pdf, Global Cost Summary Report Xls )

  11. Go to latest: Latest Daily Report page 

  12. Weather: project location weather

  13. Project Board: record a message for your company to see 

  14. Project Owner: view or edit your company location details 

  15. Project Info: view or edit project location details

  16. Document Summary: overview of items assigned to you, in review, completed, overdue or all. 

Here is a list of all documents available (this may vary based on your subscription status)

  1. ASIs: manage Architect's Supplemental Instructions 

  2. Change Orders: manage Change Orders

  3. Invoices: generate or approve invoices

  4. Memos: create and distribute memos 

  5. Pay Apps: manage schedule of values/payment applications (this is linked to #2 Budgets)

  6. Punch-Lists: manage punch-lists/punch-list items

  7. RFIs: create, share and respond to Requests for Information

  8. Submittals: create submittal required or submittal logs

  9. To-Do's: manage to-do lists

  • + New Document: create new documents using the drop down menu

Within each document type, you will see the following tabs for individual documents:

  • Overview: this page is visible when you first open a document. It shows document details and actions. 

  • Activity & Notes: this is a newsfeed of your document activities, any changes/notes/updates will be visible here. 

  • Attachments: any relevant files uploaded can be accessed through this tab. This is also linked to Files tool on the main Dashboard. 

  • Followers: see who has access to the document or add a follower. When you add a follower, that person will have access to the document but not the project.  

  • Approval Chain: view who has the privilege to approve the documents. This can be updated through the project settings. Please see the article for more details. 

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